

My Weekend Project

I’m hitting a printer this weekend… not hitting in the violence sense, but hitting as in swinging open their door and sashaying through, while humming a pleasant little ditty.

You see… Mrs. Porter and I have had this plan. An idea that grew and grew and grew and as life tends to do, it got in the way. Call it fear; lack of time – knowledge – whatever… this little project has been dragging its dear, sweet feet.

I have big dreams. Big plans. They get in the way of my reality sometimes, but I love it. I’m quickly learning that I not only want to, but need to, spend my time doing the things that I love and find inspiration in. So… It’s go time. I'm soooo excited! 

20 days to the big open.

Stay tuned….



Yesterday & Today

watercolor by the gorgeous &
oh, so talented & inspiring Jessica Durrant.
Yesterday was for reconnecting and reinventing, costume planning, girls night in, helping my baby girl write her birthday thank-you’s, baby shower planning, Illustrator playing and long cuddles with my favorite short people.

Today, I plan on cleaning, finishing the laundry, uploading the pictures from Addi & B’s birthday parties, finishing the final piece of the baby shower invite, starting Bornhoff Photography’s Itty Bitty Boo Photo Session flyer and  feeding my addiction that is Pinterest.

21 days and counting until the big open.

What have you been up to?

- Nikki 


{tap, tap} Is this thing on?

First post - woohoo! I suppose this means we're getting all official :). My first project post is dedicated to a (surprisingly) quick project we did for the nursery. I knew I wanted an owl theme, and as nice a mural is on a wall, I don't have the time (or the talent) to pull that off. Fortunately for me, they make wonderful vinyl wall clings in very cute designs. I happened to find one that was exactly what I was looking for at a recent visit to Buy Buy Baby (with my partner in Fox and Hen crime, Nikki).

I asked very nicely if my hubby would give me a hand and he, of course, obliged (who says no to their pregnant wife?). He had already painted the room so all we had to do was pick a wall and start applying! Here's what the vinyl looks like on the pages (conveniently numbered, even!):

I was a little concerned since the branches of the tree weren't straight, but very swirly, that this was going to be hard to get up. I was wrong! They are easily removed and adjusted as you go, so no worries about messing up!

I had my hubby do the tree and then I did the "fun" part of applying the flowers, leaves and critters around it. The owls are my absolute favorite pieces of the tree :).

After about 45 minutes we had the whole thing done! Whew that was easy! I moved the dresser (which was re-painted by my wonderful Sister-In-Law Heather) under the tree, added the custom drawer pulls I got from e-bay to it and voila! At least one part of the nursery is done!

Until next time ~ Jenn